While Annalise sweat, Greg finished editing our book on Jerusalem (tentatively titled: "Jerusalem: A Love Story"), Amelia continued working on her flips at MarvaTots, I went to Courtney Jewell's (St. Agnes Class of '87) and Brian Beveridge's wedding (SSS Class of ?? - let's just say some accused him of robbing the cradle.) Courtney was 4 years old when he and his high school friends came to her house in Belle Haven to paint one summer way back when! That was then...
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Love is patient and kind...
While Annalise sweat, Greg finished editing our book on Jerusalem (tentatively titled: "Jerusalem: A Love Story"), Amelia continued working on her flips at MarvaTots, I went to Courtney Jewell's (St. Agnes Class of '87) and Brian Beveridge's wedding (SSS Class of ?? - let's just say some accused him of robbing the cradle.) Courtney was 4 years old when he and his high school friends came to her house in Belle Haven to paint one summer way back when! That was then...